Colleagues of our Institute at a conference on the persecution of Christians over the course of history

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Colleagues of our Institute at a conference on the persecution of Christians over the course of history

On April 12, 2019, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training at the National University of Public Service organized the Keresztényüldözés a történelemben conference (International Conference on Christian Persecution over the course of History). Miklós Maróth and András Szenczi represented the Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies at the event.

The purpose of the conference was to present the historical aspects concerning the persecution of Christians and highlight the relevance of historical events in the present era. Miklós Maróth in his lecture entitled Nestorianism – The Lost Christian Community: Lessons for Today’s Interfaith Dialogue introduced the background to the early development of the Christian Church and the relationship between Eastern Christian communities under Islamic rule.

András Szenczi gave a lecture entitled Christian-Muslim Relations in 12th-13th-century Maghreb. In this lecture, he discussed the diplomatic dialogue between Muslims and Christians in the Western Mediterranean. Representatives of several national and international organizations also attended the conference, as a consequence of which Professor Fr. Massimo Pampaloni, SJ, Dean of Ecclesiastical Studies at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (Pontificio Istituto Orientale) also gave a presentation.

News on the website of the National University of Public Service.

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