researcher (PhD)
E-MAIL: lanczky@avicenna-kkki.hu
ADDRESS: 2081 Piliscsaba, Fő út 2/A
PHONE: + 36 26 376 438
Research interests: Avicenna, Arabic philosophy, theology, history of ideas, modern Islam, manuscript studies, stylometry, authorship attribution
My research is principally focused on Arabic philosophy, which stems from the same roots as the European philosophical tradition. It accepts such principles that sound familiar to European ears; thus, it offers insight into a segment of the Islamic high-culture in a well-defined, cross-cultural framework. Along the same lines, I defended my Ph.D. dissertation on Avicenna’s (d. 1037) views on individuation, who was probably the most influential thinker in the Islamicate world.
Besides, I work on the manuscript tradition of the authentic and Pseudo-Avicenna corpora, especially on the critical edition and commentary of still unedited treatises. This project, taken its focus on a spurious material, involves stylometry and authorship attribution, which are distinct topics on their own right. Thus, I am also interested in developing tools in the quantitative stylometric analysis as applied to the Arabic language to verify the authenticity of an uncertain work.
Finally, I also focus on modern Islam and the analysis of its extremist interpretation and its theological background.
2020: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Doctoral School of Linguistics. Supervisor: Prof. Miklós Maróth
2012: Master’s Degree in Latin Language and Literature with Teaching Degree, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
2010: Master’s Degree in Arabic Language and Literature, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
2003: Piarist High School, Vác
2019: Universität Hamburg – Islamicate Digital Humanities for Scholars in Manuscript Studies, summer school, 1 week
„Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection” summer course (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
2018: IMT Lucca (Lucca, Italy), 1 month
2017: Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi (Istambul, Turkey), 1 week
2016: Institut dominicain d’ études orientales (Cairo, Egypt), 1 month
2016: Teheran, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, 1 month
2015: Cairo, IDEO (Institut Dominican des Études Orientales) 1 month
2015: Cairo, IDEO (Institut Dominican des Études Orientales), 1 month
2014: Cologne, Thomas Institut (Universität zu Köln), DAAD scholarship, 3 months
2014: München, Ludwig Maximiliens Universität, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, Campus Hungary scholarship, 2 months
2013: Teheran, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, 2 months
2012: Qom (Iran), Al-Mustafa International University, Institute of Short Term Educations & Sabbaticals; 3 months
2011: 1. prize, OTDK, session Oriental Studies II.
2009: ERASMUS in Naples, Universitá degli Studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”; 5 months
2009: Italian language course in Siena, Universitá per Stranieri di Siena; 1 month
2006 – 2007: Damascus, Syria MÖB scholarship, 10 months