The Roots of Arabic Genealogy
A Study in Historical Anthropology
Szombathy Zoltán
Documenta et Monographiæ I.
Consisting of four chapters, the book explores the origins and later development of genealogical concepts in Arabic-speaking societies.

Jehuda Hallévi: Kuzárí, Érvek és Bizonyítékok könyve a megvetett vallások védelmében
Translated by: Maróth Miklós
Documenta et Monographiæ II.
This book contains a translation of one of the most important works of religious Jews, completed with an afterword.

Az indiai timuridák és a török nyelv
A török írás- és szóbeliség a mogul-kori Indiában
Péri Benedek
Documenta et Monographiæ III.
The volume examines how and to what extent the Turkish language was present in India during the age of the Timurids.

Humor és szabadosság a középkori arab kultúrában
A szólásszabadság antropológiája
Szombathy Zoltán
Documenta et Monographiæ IV.
This book introduces us to a neglected field of Islamic research, namely how what otherwise was an unbreakable value in official life was made a joke in Arabic literature.

The Correspondence between Aristotle and Alexander the Great
An Anonymous Greek Novel in Letters in Arabic Translation
Maróth Miklós
Documenta et Monographiæ V.
A hitherto unknown Arabic novel in letters containing the correspondence ascribed to Aristotle and Alexander the Great.

The History of Bidyini and Kaabu
Two Chronicles in Arabic from Guinea-Bissau
Edited and translated by: Zoltán Szombathy, introductory study: Éva Sebestyén, Zoltán Szombathy
Documenta et Monographiæ VI.
Also forming part of the Fontes Historiae Africanae publishing project (Series Arabica, XII) of the Union Académique International, this volume contains an edition, translation and commentary of two Arabic texts relating to African history.

Safavid Art and Hungary
The Esterházy Appliqué in Context
Szántó Iván
Documenta et Monographiæ VII.
This volume consists of two parts. In the first section the author explores the beginnings of the reception of Safavid art in Hungary and the ways it has been represented to this western audience, all the while giving an overview of Iranian art objects preserved in Hungarian museums.

The Ethical Thesis: Practical Reason in Islamic Legal Hermeneutics
Abdessamad Belhaj
Documenta et Monographiæ VIII.
This volume examines Islamic law based on philosophical considerations. It seeks to prove that the Islamic interpretation of law should be interpreted as the moral doctrine of pragmatic reasoning and, as such, is based on ancient philosophical tradition, which considers the interpretation of the law as a form of morality.

Catalog of Bayazit II’s Library
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Documenta et Monographiæ IX.
The volume contains the re-scaled facsimile edition of the catalog of Bayazit II’s (r. 1458-1512) library, representing the MS Török F. 59 to be found in the Oriental Collection of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Catalog of Bayazit II’s Library
Studies and Indices, Volume I-IV
Edited by: Maróth Miklós, Lánczky István, Oroszi Gyöngyi
Documenta et Monographiæ IX.
The subject of the four volumes is the catalogue of Sultan Bayazit II’s (r. 1458-1512) Palace Library, found in the Ms Török F. 59 (HAS, Oriental Collection), providing a unique insight into the early sixteenth-century…

Az iszlám Fekete-Afrikában
Szombathy Zoltán
Documenta et Monographiæ X.
This monograph on Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa offers a comprehensive overview of a region within the Muslim world on which virtually no scholarly discussion has existed in Hungarian so far.

Analogical Reasoning in Islam
Maróth Miklós
Documenta et Monographiæ XII.
In the book, the analogical inference (qiyās) of the Muslim theologians is treated. The theory of analogical inference is presented first as they are treated by Muslim philosophers and then by theologians.