Presentations of our researchers at the European Conference of Iranian Studies

Research trip in Germany
Presentation of Georgio Rahal in Our Institute

Presentations of our researchers at the European Conference of Iranian Studies

The Societas Iranologica Europaea (SIE) held its ninth quadrennial conference, the European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS), between 9-13 September at the Freie Universität in Berlin. Dr. Iván Szántó, head of the Department of Iranian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University and scientific advisor of the Avicenna Institute, and András Barati, research fellow at the Avicenna Institute and student of the Doctoral Program in Iranian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University, represented our institute at one of the major international academic events in the field. The papers presented by our scholars have received overwhelmingly positive feedback. The keynote lectures were given by renowned researchers in the field such as Jean Kellens, Christine van Ruymbeke, Abbas Amanat and Farzaneh Milani.

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