Avicenna Institute researchers participate in the second Scriptorium conference

Our colleague’s research trip to Jordan
Gyöngyi Oroszi’s lecture at an international conference entitled Travel and Spirituality in Classical and Neolatin Cultures

Avicenna Institute researchers participate in the second Scriptorium conference

From May 7-8, 2018, the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma hosted the Scriptorium Conference for the second time, organized by the National Catholic Collection Centre, the Archives of the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma, and the Department of Classical Philology from the Faculty of Humanities at PPCU. The central theme of the conference was the medieval manuscripts. Lectures by our colleagues were as follows:

Márta Munding: The Peculiar Path of a Codex: The Importance of Text Editions of Metzi Epitomé in the Research of Alexandros
András Mércz: Correspondence of Moses of Mardin and Andreas Masius
András Barati: Royal Decrees (farmān) in 18th-century Iran
István Lánczky: Examination of the Originality of a Pseudo-Avicennan Essay, the al-Masā’il al-ḥikmijja (Metaphysical Questions)


The programme of the conference is available here.

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