

Our Researchers at the 3rd Scriptorium Conference

On May 22-23, 2019, the Visitor Centre of the Eger Archbishop’s Palace hosted the 3rd Scriptorium Conference. The central theme of the conference was medieval manuscripts.

Visit to the newly-opened nuilding of the Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

On May 2, 2019, spouses from the accredited embassies of several Arab countries (including the Republic of Yemen, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco,

Presentation of our Researcher at the Conference entitled The Mystery of the Face – Otherness & Representation

The International Interdisciplinary Conference of the French Relations research group of PPKE was organised from April 11-12, 2019 in collaboration with the Art Institute of the

Our colleague receives honors at the Symposia Iranica

The biennial conference, Symposia Iranica, the most prestigious international conference for new Iranian researchers, was hosted by the University of St. Andrews in Scotland from April

Colleagues of our Institute at a conference on the persecution of Christians over the course of history

On April 12, 2019, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training at the National University of Public Service

The Official Opening of the Building of our Institute

The new centre of our Institute at Piliscsaba was officially opened on April 9, 2019. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, and Miklós Maróth, Director of

Presentations of our Researchers at the Hungarian National Museum

The international conference entitled The Concept of Mimesis in Interdisciplinary Perspective was organised on April 1, 2019 at the Hungarian National Museum. Researchers from our Institute

Presentation of our Researchers in Toulouse

The annual conference of the CISA (Christianismes, Islams et Sociétés Arabes) research group was held from March 28-29, 2019, where our Director, Miklós Maróth, in addition
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