Presentation of Georgio Rahal in Our Institute

Presentations of our researchers at the European Conference of Iranian Studies
Presentation of Our Researcher in Kiev

Presentation of Georgio Rahal in Our Institute

On 7–11th October, 2019, Georgio Rahal, member of the international research group CISA (Christianismes, islams et sociétés arabes) and lecturer at Institute Catholique de Toulouse (ICT) paid a visit to our Institute. During his stay, our colleagues had the chance to present the structure of the Institute and the various fields of research of our researchers while they were also introduced to the system of Arabic studies at ICT.

Georgio Rahal also held a presentation of his book, Le Corps dans la Falsafa, La notion du corps dans la philosophie d’expression arabe, which had been published last year. The book studies the role of the body in Islamic philosophy. He also presented his new project which centers on the French translation of certain parts of the book of Ibn Qajjim al-Ǧawzijja (d. 1356), Akām ahl al-dhimma.

Furthermore, discussions were made regarding the organization of the conference of CISA which will be hosted by our Institute in April 2020.

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