András Mércz’s research trip in Cairo in April

Generous book donation by the Chaldean Catholic Church to our Institute
Participation at the Tehran International Book Fair

András Mércz’s research trip in Cairo in April

In April 2017, as part of our collaboration with IDEO, András Mércz was a guest at the Dominican Institute in Cairo. During the month spent abroad, he completed studies for the 28th UEAI and CISA Conferences, and collected material for the publication of the library catalogue of Sultan Bayezid II.

During his stay abroad, he attended an event of a conference series on interfaith dialogue organized by the Orientinstitut of Beirut and the Azhar University, which focused on problems of the interpretation of sacred texts of the two religions.

He was also invited to a peace conference organized by the Council of Muslim Wise Men, convened by the imam of the Azhar Mosque, Ahmad al-Tayyib, on the occasion of Pope Francis ’visit to Cairo. The two-day international conference was honored by the presence of several Eastern Christian archbishops, such as Bartholomew, Greek Orthodox Patriarch, Louis Raphaël I Sako, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch, and Gregory III Patriarch of the Melkites. Our colleague also attended the Holy Mass celebrated by the Holy Father.

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