

researcher, PhD cantidate

BORN: 1987
E-MAIL: teklovics@avicenna-kkki.hu
ADDRESS: 2081 Piliscsaba, Fő út 2/A
TELEPHONE: + 36 26 376 438


Chief interests: classical Islamic law, lawmaking in modern majority Muslim states, ḫilāf literature, Muslim legal reform, Muslim family law

My field of research is Islamic jurisprudence. During my previous studies, I’ve been most interested in the role Islamic law plays in the jurisprudence of majority-Muslim countries. As part of my PhD work, I’m studying the lawmaking of modern Near Eastern states, the classical works of the four great sunnī school of jurisprudence as well as their post-classical commentaries.

In my dissertation, I’m examining cases wherein the secular law of modern majority-Muslim countries diverges from the locally adopted maḏhabī legal tradition. In the legal systems of the countries I’m examining, only laws of personal status are directly based off šarīʿa manuals, so I’m primarily focusing on family law, namely, marriage and divorce law, inheritance law and laws regarding legal capacity.


2016–: PPKE, Doctoral School of Linguistics (supervisor: Prof. Maróth Miklós)
2011–2013: PPKE BTK: oriental philologist (MA)
2006–2009: PPKE BTK: oriental languages and cultures (BA, Arabic specialization)
1999–2005: Czuczor Gergely Bencés Gimnázium, Győr


2020: Institut dominicain d’études orientales (Cairo, Egypt) – 2 weeks
2018: The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Amman, Jordan) – 1 month
2017: Institut dominicain d’études orientales (Cairo, Egypt) – 1 month
Institut dominicain d’études orientales (Cairo, Egypt) – 2 months
2010–2011: The University of Jordan (Amman, Jordan) – MÖB scholarship grant, 2 semesters

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