Páll Zoltán
researcher (PhD)
E-MAIL: pall.zoltan@avicenna-kkki.hu
ADDRESS: 2081 Piliscsaba, Fő út 2/A
FAX: +431515816460
Islamic activism and informal networks in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, the development of Salafism, transnational linkages between the Middle East and the Arab World
Ongoing research projects:
1. Islam in Cambodia and the impact of Middle Eastern Islamic movements and networks on the sociopolitical and socioreligious evolution of the Cambodian Muslim minority
2. Political anthropology of the Islamic movements in Kuwait
3. The anthropology of communities with Southeast Asian roots on the Arabian Peninsula
2009-2013 Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, PhD Student in ‘Comparative Studies of Contemporary Muslim Societies’ (degree received on 14 January 2014)
2012-2013 Guest PhD researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang
2001-2007 Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Semitic Philology and Arabic Language (Major in Arabic studies
2005-2006 University of Damascus, Syria, Department of History
2003-2004 University of Sana’a, Yemen, Department of Arabic Language
2020-2022 Marie Curie Fellowship granted by the European Commission (started in February 2020)
2018 Grant for a Visiting Fellowship by the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany
2011-2013 PhD grant of the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS), Netherlands
2009-2010 Grant by the Dutch NGO FORUM to carry out a project on Islamic Transnationalism
2008: Grant for a Visiting Fellowship by the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, Netherlands (ISIM)
2005-2006: Scholarship of the Hungarian Scholarship Committee and the Syrian Arab Republic for education for 2 semesters at the University of Damascus, Department of History, Syria
2003-2004: Scholarship of the Scholarship of the Hungarian Scholarship Committee and the Republic of Yemen for 10 months of language training at University of Sana’a, Yemen
2022- Researcher, Avicenna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies
2020- Researcher, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2014-2020: Researcher, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore
2013-2014: Lecturer, Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2009-2013: Researcher, Utrecht University, Department of Religious Studies and Theology
2023: 3 months fieldwork in Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand
2022: 2 months fieldwork in Cambodia
2019: 4 months fieldwork in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia
2018: 2 months fieldwork in Malaysia and Indonesia, 2 months fieldwork in Kuwait
2017: 2 months fieldwork in Cambodia
2016: 5 months fieldwork in Kuwait
2009-2012: 12 months fieldwork in Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Sweden, Germany, and Netherlands for my PhD research
2006: 5 months fieldwork in Lebanon for my Master Thesis