
A Vita Persii de Commentario Probi Valeri Sublata
Elemzés és kommentár
Takács László
Edited by: Krähling Edit
Studia Philologica I.
A Vita Persii is one of the most important testimonies in the history of the Silver Age in Latin literature, which is referred to without exception by the studies dealing mainly with the literature or history of Nero’s era.  However, previous editions of the biography are incomplete – a shortfall this volume makes up for.

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Peritia Linguarum
A vienne-i zsinat és a nyelvek oktatása
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Studia Philologica II.
This volume contains the studies of Miklós Maróth, István Lánczky, István Ormos, Balázs Major, Zsigmond Ritoók, Zsolt Adorjáni, Tamás Mészáros, László Takács, Elvira Pataki, Gyula Mayer, Péter Kóta, Kornél Szovák and Attila Zsoldos. It contains the presentations of the conference organised to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Synod of Vienne in 1311.
The lectures covered three topics: Arabic studies, Classical Philology and studies of the Medes. Within these topics, several different issues were examined by their authors.

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Tanulmányok Rémi Brague tiszteletére
Edited by: Vető Miklós és Bugár István
Studia Philologica III.
This volume contains studies by Thomas De Koninck, István M. Bugár, Kristell Trego, Miklós Maróth, Philippe Vallat, Péter Erdő, Jean-François de Raymond and Rémi Brague. They were presented in the form of a lecture given at a conference organised in honour of Rémi Brague by the French Institute of Budapest.



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Two Renaissance Commentaries on Persius: Bartholomaeus Fontius and Ioannes Britannicus
Edited by: Takács László. Tuhári Attila
Studia Philologica IV.
Aulus Persius Flaccus, a Roman poet and satirist who lived in the 1st century BC (34–62), left behind a not too lengthy but significant life work. He left about 600 lines, six satire texts and a 14-line introduction written in limping iambs (choliamb). Despite the small size of his heritage, this corpus is one of the most difficult ancient Latin poetic texts to interpret. The poet who died young used a cleverly constructed metaphorical language that is extremely rich in literary, philosophical and historical references.



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Techné: A szakképzés módszerei az ókorban és a középkorban
Edited by: Munding Márta, Szovák Kornél, Takács László
Studia Philologica V.
This volume contains the studies of Miklós Maróth, László Odrobina, Judit Tóth, Ernő Szabó, Annamária R. Facsády, Kornél Szovák, Renáta Skorka, Attila Tuhári, László Takács, László Szilágyi, Laura Menta Szilágyi, Eszter Draskóczy, Norbert Mátyus, Ádám Vér, József Zsolt Gallina, Tamás Vajda and András Vadas.



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Three Early Modern Commentaries on Persius: Ioannes Murmellius’, Hadrianus Turnebus’ and Nicodemus Frischlin’s Commentaries on Persius with Hermannus Buschius’ Letter on Persius’ Satires
Edited by: Szovák Márton, Takács László, Tuhári Attila
Aules Persius Flaccus was a Roman satire poet who lived in the 1st century AD (34-62). He left although not very long a significant oeuvre, approximately six hundred lines, the text of six satires and a 14-line introduction written in choliambus. Despite its small size, this corpus is still one of the most difficult to interpret ancient Latin poetic texts:


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