Ninth-century Arabic Christian Apology and Polemics: A Terminological Study of ‛Ammār al-Baṣrī’s Kitāb al-Masā’il wa-l-Ajwiba
Varsányi Orsolya
Orientalia Christiana II.
Year of release: 2015
Number of pages: 381
Binding: hardcover
Language: English
ISBN: 978–615–5343–07–0
ISSN: 2416–1055
The book demonstrates that ʿAmmār al-Baṣrī, one of the first three known Arabic Christian writers, is a prominent early author who contributed to the transmission of Greek influence on Arabic prose. An examination of the terminology of his work Kitāb al-Masā’il wa-‘l-ajwiba will help us to better understand the evolution of kalām and falsafa terminologies. Examining the terms of this work (also in a broader context), the book seeks to answer the question: To what extent have Arab Christian authors influenced Arabic prose literature; and to what extent did Arab Christian theology, and in particular, ʿAmmār al-Baṣrī interact with Muslim theology and philosophy in the field of terminology.