About our publications

Since its foundation in 2002, Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies has been trying to promote research in the field of Oriental studies in Hungary by publishing scientific monographs and collections of studies.

Publications issued by the Institute currently fall within the framework of seven series/sets of books:
1. Acta et Studia (mainly conference proceedings and study collections),
2. Documenta et Monographiæ (monographs and source publications),
3. Studia Philologica (monographs and study collection on intersections of classical philology and Oriental studies),
4. Orientalia Christiana (monographs and source publications related to Christianity in the Near East),
5. Politikaelméleti tanulmányok (works on political sciences published in co-operation with the National University of Public Service),
6. Studio Arabica (published in collaboration with the CISA research group study publications).
7. Annales (yearbook of the Avicenna Institute).

As of 2023, the Institute published of 41 independent volumes, 23 of which were written in foreign languages.

Details of the publications can be found under each series.
The publications are distributed in Hungary by Avicenna Research Non-Profit Ltd. For more information about purchase options, see Order.

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