Humor és szabadosság a középkori arab kultúrában
A szólásszabadság antropológiája
Szombathy Zoltán
Documenta et Monographiæ IV.
Year of release: 2005
Number of pages: 258
Binding: paperback
Language: Hungarian
ISBN: 963–86359–67
ISSN: 1785–0886
This book introduces us to a neglected field of Islamic research, namely how what otherwise was an unbreakable value in official life was made a joke in Arabic literature. The work explores how humour and frivolity appear in otherwise serious Arabic literature, moreover, studies the different sources of humour, e.g. one of the most important genres of early Arabic literature was a praise poem. In these poems, however, the authors were able to insert exaggerations that translated the obvious meaning of words into the opposite. The subject of humour could be anything from religious to private morality, including homosexuality that is otherwise prohibited in Islam. The author also examines the topic in terms of linguistic virtuosity.