Az iszlám Fekete-Afrikában
Szombathy Zoltán
Documenta et Monographiæ X.
Publication year: 2021
Number of pages: 362
Binding: hardcover
Language: Hungarian
ISBN: 978–615–5343–13–1
ISSN: 1785–0886
This monograph on Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa offers a comprehensive overview of a region within the Muslim world on which virtually no scholarly discussion has existed in Hungarian so far. This despite the fact that about one-third of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa is Muslim, and close to one-fifth of all Muslims in the world live in this region, with both proportions likely to rise further in the near future. The book presents the cultures and religious life of this huge population in four thematic clusters: ethicity and languages, social structures and patterns, religious life and communities, history and politics. Use of the book is facilitated by appendices containing up-to-date listings of major Muslim ethnic groups and the proportion of Muslims within the populations of African countries as well as by a detailed index of names and terms.