Az indiai timuridák és a török nyelv
A török írás- és szóbeliség a mogul-kori Indiában
Péri Benedek
Documenta et Monographiæ III.
Year of release: 2005
Number of pages: 148
Binding: paperback
Language: Hungarian
ISBN: 963–86359–59
ISSN: 1785–0886
The volume examines how and to what extent the Turkish language was present in India during the age of the Timurids. The work examines the causes and circumstances of the Indian use of the Turkish language, its characteristics and the role of the Turks and the Turkish language in the Mongol Empire. From the first chapter on research history, we learn that the role of the Turkish element has already been studied by many in India, but the linguistic aspect of this has yet to receive sufficient attention.