Analogical Reasoning in Islam
Maróth Miklós
Documenta et Monographiæ XII.
Publication year: 2023
Number of pages: 207
Binding: hardcover
Language: Hungarian
ISBN: 978–615–5343–20–9
ISSN: 1785–0886
In the book, the analogical inference (qiyās) of the Muslim theologians is treated. The theory of analogical inference is presented first as they are treated by Muslim philosophers and then by theologians. After that, the individual components of analogical inferences (or sign-syllogisms) are analysed. The author then examines the development of the doctrine in the ensuing centuries and discusses its relationship to the Aristotelian syllogisms from the perspective of Muslim theologians of later periods. At the end of the book, it is described how the ancient Greeks elaborated the doctrine of sign-syllogisms, and through what channels it has been transmitted later to the theologians of Islam. The final chapter returns to philosophy and discusses Ibn Sina’s view of the sign-syllogisms.