The Reshaping of Persian Art: Art Histories of Islamic Iran and Beyond

Persian Art avicenna_konyv_2019_fedel-print

The Reshaping of Persian Art: Art Histories of Islamic Iran and Beyond
Edited by: Szántó Iván, Yuka Kadoi
Acta et Studia XV.
Year of release: 2019.
Number of pages: 273 pp., ill.
Binding: hardcover
Language: English, German
ISBN: 978–615–5343–11–7
ISSN: 1785–0894

Studies in this volume, which is the continuation of previous research by the editors, examine Persian art as a historiographic concept in the development of European, Russian and American museology as well as art history writing of the 19-20th centuries. This concept only appeared later in Iran and the wider Persian-speaking world as a result of European-American debates on the nature of Persian art. All the studies in this book analyse the changes in the concept of Persian art by considering the different regional traditions. The introduction will be followed by ten studies from experts on the history of science from the German and Russian-spoken territories, the Caucasus, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan. The studies included are as follows: Friedrich Sarre (1865-1945): The Reconstruction of His Collection of Islamic Art (Joachim Gierlichs); Business, Diplomacy and Arts: Two Swiss Collectors of Persian Art (Elika Palenzona-Djalili); Collecting Persian Art in Georgia (Irina Koshoridze); Alexandre Roinashvili and the Persian Metalwork Collection in the Georgian National Museum (Irina Gugunava); Simon Khanukaev and the Persian Ceramic Collection in the Georgian National Museum (Natia Demurishvili); The Study of Persian Art on the Eve of World War II: The Third Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology in 1935 (Yuka Kadoi); The Third International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology in 1935: Russian Perspectives (Daria Vasilyeva); The Timurid Mausoleum of Gur-i Amir as an Ideological Icon (Elena Paskaleva); Bihzād in Italy, Raphael in Afghanistan: 20th-Century Encounters via Berlin (Iván Szántó); and Parallel Odysseys of Ernst Herzfeld and Ernst Diez (Zehra Tonbul).

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