Irano-Turkic Cultural Contacts in the 11th–17th Centuries


Irano-Turkic Cultural Contacts in the 11th–17th Centuries
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia I.
Year of release: 2003
Number of pages: 253
Binding: paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 963 86359–08
ISSN: 1785–0894

The majority of the papers deal with the internal and external circumstances of the emerging Ottoman Empire in the 16th century: the impact of the Ottoman-Persian Wars on Ottoman policy in Central Europe; the problems of the borderland areas like Kurdistan; the significance of capturing family members of rival dynasties, etc.
Another group of studies discusses development  that took place during the preceding centuries with regard to aspects of   and literary genres. Two studies focus on the importance and growing influence of spiritual authorities and informal religious groups, both crucial factors in the struggle for political supremacy. Whereas, four other studies deal with literacy and languages, the Library of Sultan Bayezid and courtly music.
Contains studies by M. Bernardini, C. E. Bosworth, G. Dávid, P. Fodor, B. G. Fragner, Y. Goto, É. M. Jeremiás, M. Maróth, Ch. Melville, I. Nyitrai, B. Péri, W. Posch, R. M. Savory, B. Sudár and I. Vásáry.

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