Human Dignity in the Three Revealed Religions
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia XI.
Year of release: 2011
Number of pages: 110
Binding: paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 978–963–87618–7–3
ISSN: 1785–0894
This volume contains the proceedings of a meeting held in Budapest (Nov. 4, 2009), which was dedicated to the topic of human dignity from the viewpoints of Judaism, Christendom and Islam. The contributors are Yair Lorberbaum, Yaakov Blidstein and David Heyd (Israel), Osman Taştan (Turkey), Adel Tweissi (Jordan), Abdessamad Belhaj (Morocco/Hungary), Balázs Mezei, Tamás Béres and Miklós Maróth (Hungary). The volume proves in depth that the three world religions fully agree in terms of their emphasis on respect for human dignity, let alone the political implications thereof.