
Irano-Turkic Cultural Contacts in the 11th–17th Centuries
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia I.
Contains studies by M. Bernardini, C. E. Bosworth, G. Dávid, P. Fodor, B. G. Fragner, Y. Goto, É. M. Jeremiás, M. Maróth, Ch. Melville, I. Nyitrai, B. Péri, W. Posch, R. M. Savory, B. Sudár and I. Vásáry.

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Problems in Arabic Philosophy
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia II.

A collection of papers written by H. Daiber, J. Janssens, J. P. Montada, I. Dobbs-Weinstein, D. Bucan, C. Gilliot and M. Maróth.

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Problems in Arabic Literature
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia III.

A collection of papers written by H. Daiber, J. Janssens, J. P. Montada, I. Dobbs-Weinstein, D. Bucan, C. Gilliot and M. Maróth.

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Zsigmond Telegdi: Opera Omnia I.
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia IV.
The volume contains all of Zsigmond Telegdi’s articles written in languages other than Hungarian.

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Zsigmond Telegdi: Opera Omnia II.
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia IV.

Parallel to Volume I, this book contains Zsigmond Telegdi’s 26 articles published in Hungarian.

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Előadások a mai iszlám világáról
Edited by: Tüske László
Acta et Studia V.
The volume contains all the presentations from a conference. Part of the essays provide a picture of Islam in general (Maróth, M.: a mérsékelt iszlám; Rostoványi, Zs.: Az iszlám és a Nyugat: a kölcsönös fenyegetettség mítosza és a valóság; Szombathy, Z.: Az iszlám a fekete Afrikában), while other writings deal with the questions of Shi’ite Islam (Speidl, B.: A síita mártírium gyökerei és átalakulása a libanoni polgárháborúban: a Hezbollah példája; Benedicty, R.: A civil társadalom szakrális átalakulása a politikai vallásgyakorlatban).

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Iráni föld – perzsa kultúra
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia VI.
The aim of this book is to present Iran from different points of view. The two longest chapters discuss the scientific achievements of Iranians on the one hand, and present the history of Iran on the other, which provides, with the help of understanding the past, an explanation for the events in contemporary history.

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Törökország és az iszlám
Az iszlám szerepe Törökország EU-csatlakozásának megítélésében
Edited by: Vásáry István
Acta et Studia VII.
This volume contains five long essays about the formation of Turkish national identity (P. Fodor), the Islamic movements of Turkey (V. Kicsi), the role of Islam in the Turkish economy (T. Szigetvári), the chance of Muslim democracy (I. Vásáry) and the questions of Turkey’s accession to the European Union.

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Az iszlám politikaelmélete
Terminológiai vizsgálat
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia VIII.
Various authors have contributed to this volume. A. Belhaj, M. Miklós, Z. Szombathy, L. Tüske and O. Varsányi examine 43 of the most important terms of Islamic political theory such as constitution, party, democracy, religion, etc.

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Questions théologiques dans la rhétorique Arabe
Abdessamad Belhaj
Acta et Studia IX.
The author examines the connection between rhetoric and bayan from the points of view of various authors and theological schools. First, the devices common to both theology and rhetoric, e.g. analogy, metaphor, istidlal, etc., and then the question of bayan in the muʽtazilite and Sunnite traditions are examined.

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Muslim Political Theory
A Comparative Terminological Investigation
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia X.
The book contains 41 short essays by various authors about important terms concerning Islamic political theory, e.g. siyasa, dawla, dustur, dimuqratiyya, istibdad, qabila, etc. Through these terms, the book outlines Islamic political theory.

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Human Dignity in the Three Revealed Religions
Edited by: Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia XI.
This volume contains the proceedings of a meeting held in Budapest (Nov. 4, 2009), which was dedicated to the topic of human dignity from the viewpoints of Judaism, Christendom and Islam.

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At the Gate of Modernism
Qajar Iran in the Nineteenth Century
Edited by: Jeremiás Éva M.
Acta et Studia XII.
The contributions in this volume are based on papers presented at an international conference held in Budapest at the Department of Iranian Studies of Eötvös Loránd University from October 14-15, 2010 and organized by É. M. Jeremiás.

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From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in Honour of Éva M. Jeremiás
Edited by: Szántó Iván
Acta et Studia XIII.
Covering a wide range of subjects within the general field of Iranian Studies, this collection of essays consists of contributions by twenty scholars. Most articles concentrate on Persian linguistics.

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Az iszlám világának mai problémái
Maróth Miklós
Acta et Studia XIV.

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Persian Art avicenna_konyv_2019_fedel-print

The Reshaping of Persian Art: Art Histories of Islamic Iran and Beyond
Edited by: Szántó Iván, Yuka Kadoi
Acta et Studia XV.
Studies in this volume, which is the continuation of previous research by the editors, examine Persian art as a historiographic concept in the development of European, Russian and American museology as well as art history writing of the 19-20th centuries. This concept only appeared later in Iran and the wider Persian-speaking world as a result of European-American debates on the nature of Persian art. All the studies in this book analyse the changes in the concept of Persian art by considering the different regional traditions.

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