

Our Colleague’s Paper Given at the 7th MEMaT Workshop in Vienna

On May 16–17, 2024, the Institut für Mittelalterforschung (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) hosted the 7th Middle Eastern Manuscript Traditions (MEMaT) workshop in Vienna. The MEMaT is

Keynote lecture of our researcher in Iran

Having been the the only foreign guest of the 1st International Conference of Museums in Iran (24-25 April, 2024), Iván Szántó, a researcher of our institute, gave

Presentations of our researcher in Japan

At the invitation of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and Kyoto University, András Barati, research fellow at the Avicenna Institute, presented two lectures at two

Our researcher’s presentation in Paris

The second conference of a three-stage conference series organised by the Centre d’Histoire des Sciences et des Philosophies Arabes et Médiévales took place in Paris on

Our researcher’s book has been published

Our colleague, András Barati’s book titled “Exercising Authority and Representing Rule: Eighteenth-Century Persian decrees from the Shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad” has been published by

Public Defense of Our Researcher

The public defense of Gyöngyi Oroszi’s doctoral thesis was held at the Faculty of Humanities of Pázmány Péter Catholic University on 21st November 2023. The process

Presentations of our researchers at the conference “The Role of Religion in Shaping Politics”

The event was opened by Dr. Koller Boglárka, Vice Rector for International Affairs at the university. In the opening segment, Dr. Mustafa Kibaroğlu, Dean of MEF

16th Annual Law Enforcement Day, Kőbánya (XV. Kőbányai Rendvédelmi Napok)

On the first weekend of September, the 16th Kőbánya Law Enforcement Day took place in Óhegy Park. As usual, our institute took part in the event
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