Welcome to the website of the Avicenna Institue of Middle Eastern Studies!

The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies was established by the Avicenna Public Foundation in 2002. Its main goals are supporting research on majority-Muslim countries, the development of research and education, and finding and managing talent in the field, partly as a means to provide effective support for Hungarian foreign relations.

In 2008 – along with a number of other public foundations – the Avicenna Public Foundation was dissolved. Its main function (that is, maintaining the Institute) was taken over by Avicenna Research Non-Profit Limited. The Institue mainly employs young researchers at the beginning of their careers so that they may take their first steps in their chosen field with the assistance of older, more experienced researchers.

Apart from assisting beginner researchers, the Institute also aims to support university education in the fields of Arabic and Iranian studies by compiling textbooks, procuring specialist literature, inviting lecturers and students from abroad, organizing conferences and facilitating cooperation between Hungarian experts on the fields of Arabic and Iranian studies.

Our specialist library has been collecting books in the fields of Arabic, Islamic and Iranian studies since 2002. The library currently holds twenty-four thousand unique volumes and is being continually expanded.

Az AVICENNA KKKI épület tervezési és kivitelezési munkái
Az AVICENNA KKKI épület tervezési és kivitelezési munkái
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