Our colleague’s paper given at the Fifth Scriptorium Conference

Research trip of our colleague in London
Papers presented in Bamberg

Our colleague’s paper given at the Fifth Scriptorium Conference

On November 24 and 25, 2022, the National Catholic Collection Centre (NCCC) hosted the Fifth Scriptorium Conference. The scientific forum was organised by the NCCC, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and the Moravcsik Gyula Institute of the Research Centre for the Humanities. The meeting was centred on manuscript research, with a special focus on the ecclesiastic realm. The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies was represented this year by Mónika Schönléber with her presentation entitled “Possibilities and limitations of examining the relationships between manuscripts in the research of Arabic texts: A case study on the example of the textual tradition of Ibn Aszam al-Kúfí’s Kitáb al-futúh”.

The invitation and program of the conference are available here, while the Hungarian summaries of the presentations are published here.

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