
Professor Éva Jeremiás, the programme director of our institute, was elected an honorary member of the Societas Iranologica Europaea.

The Societas Iranologica Europaea (S.I.E.) has elected Professor Éva Jeremiás, programme director of our institute and professor emeritus of the Department of Iranian Studies at ELTE,

Our researcher is awarded with the János Bolyai Research Scholarship

András Barati won the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the project titled “A Forgotten Persian Collection in the British Library:

Report from a research trip to Germany

One of the researchers of the Institute, András Mércz conducted research in German archives and libraries between 30 May and 8 June 2022. In the Bavarian

Anne Regourd and Elaine van Dalen’s talks at the Avicenna Institute

On June 1, 2022, our Institute welcomed Dr Anne Regourd (CNRS) and Dr Elaine van Dalen (Columbia University). During their visit, they met the researchers of

Public Defence of Our Researcher

The successful public defence of Zsuzsanna Csorba’s doctoral dissertation entitled The genre of travel regimens in medieval Arabic medicine: with a critical edition and translation of

Commemoration of Bert G. Fragner (1941-2021) austrian iranologist

Professor Éva Jeremiás’ obituary of Bert G. Fragner, a towering figure in Iranian Studies and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Avicenna Public Foundation
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