One-Month Research Stay Spent in Cairo by Two PhD Candidates of the Avicenna Institute

Presentation of Our Researcher in Kiev
Our colleagues’ research trip to Cairo

One-Month Research Stay Spent in Cairo by Two PhD Candidates of the Avicenna Institute

Between February 7 and March 7, 2020, Zsuzsanna Csorba and Mónika Schönléber spent a month conducting their research in Cairo at the Institut dominicain d’études orientales (IDEO).

Zsuzsanna Csorba studied manuscripts of a 15th-century Arabic medical treatise. One of the copies is kept in the Egyptian National Library and Archives, while the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts holds microfilms of further copies of the work.

Mónika Schönléber worked on the analysis of the poetic corpus in Ibn Aˁṯam al-Kūfī’s ridda-narrative for her PhD thesis with the help of the rich resources provided by the Library of the IDEO.

Photos, from left to right: Our researcher at the National Library of Egypt; Our researcher in front of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts; Our researchers in front of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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