Presentation of our Researcher at the Conference entitled The Mystery of the Face – Otherness & Representation

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Visit to the newly-opened nuilding of the Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

Presentation of our Researcher at the Conference entitled The Mystery of the Face – Otherness & Representation

The International Interdisciplinary Conference of the French Relations research group of PPKE was organised from April 11-12, 2019 in collaboration with the Art Institute of the University of Brasília and the RETINA International research group (Paris 8). Speakers at the conference  “Az arc misztériuma – másság & reprezentáció” explored images and narratives in which the essence of a face can be captured, moreover, what exploratory, revealing power they convey when discussing ourselves or others and showing our face or others faces in a picture, photograph or text. Our Institute was represented by Márta Munding who gave a presentation entitled The wedding of Alexandros and Rhóxan from the viewpoint of historians studying Alexandros and from the Aëtion-depiction known from the Lucian report.

The programme of the conference.

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