Catholic University of Toulouse: Esprit critique et textes sacrés

27th UEAI Conference in Helsinki
Participation at the Tehran International Book Fair

Catholic University of Toulouse: Esprit critique et textes sacrés

From January 25-26, 2016, the research group, Christianismes, Islams et Sociétés Arabes (CISA), hosted a two-day conference entitled Esprit critique et textes sacrés. The CISA International Research Group, founded under the auspices of the Catholic University of Toulouse (Institut Catholique de Toulouse, ICT), is dedicated to studying the relationship between Christianity, Islam and Arab societies. It is comprised of researchers from various European and Middle Eastern countries who share their results at this annual conference. In 2016, this event took place in Toulouse. The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies was represented by director Miklós Maróth and István Lánczky. Miklós Maróth gave a presentation on the relationship between Yaḥyā ibn ʽAdī and Nestorianism, while István Lánczky spoke about the relationship between theology and philosophy in Avicenna’s teaching. It was also decided during the conference that Hungary would host the following conference in 2017.

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