

researcher, scientific coordinator

ADDRESS: 2081 Piliscsaba, Fő út 2/A
PHONE: + 36 26 376 438


Main interests:  historiography of the Antiquity, the Alexander tradition, Curtius Rufus.

My dissertation, titled “Alexandros és a barbár asszonyok találkozása. Forráshasználat és történetszerkesztés” (Alexander the Great and his encounters with barbarian women in the work of Curtius Rufus: source use and narrative editing) compared the writings of Curtius Rufus with the following, Graeco-Roman sources on Alexander’s life: Strabo, Diodoros, Plutarchos, Arrhianos, Iustinus’ excerpts from Pompeius Trogus’ Historiae Philippicae, and a late antique summary referred to as the Metz Epitome. Employing methods of traditional source critique, it analyzed the parallels and divergences within the textual tradition, aiming to shed light on the motivations behind the divergences, such as Curtius Rufus’ utilization of Graeco-Roman stereotypes in his depictions of Barbarians. It analyzes the possibility that Curtius Rufus’ work in part reflects on the real world customs and traditions of contemporaneous Persian society.

In the Avicenna Institute, I currently oversee and coordinate a research project combining the works of 16 researchers on the topics of knowledge transfer and vocational training in the Middle Ages and antiquity.


2016: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Doctoral School of Linguistics, Classical philology workshop (doctoral degree). Supervisors: Dr. habil. Tar Ibolya, Dr. habil. Takács László.
2006–2009: SZTE BTK, Doctoral School of Literature, antique literature PhD programme. Supervisor: Dr. habil. Tar Ibolya.
2003–2008: SZTE BTK: Humanities degree in Greek language and literature
1999–2005: SZTE BTK: Latin language and literature degree with a teaching certification
1993–1999: Kiskunhalasi Református Kollégium Szilády Áron Gimnáziuma, Kiskunhalas


2017–2020: NKFIH post-doctoral scholarhip: “Alexandros és a barbár nők találkozása az ókori és kora középkori görög és latin nyelvű forrásokban
Università degli Studi di Padova (Padova, Olaszország) – Campus Hungary research scholarship, 3 months
2006: Katholische Universität, Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany) – LIGA-Stipendium research scholarship, 3 months
2002–2003: Università degli Studie di Roma “Tor Vergata” (Rome, Italy) – Erasmus scholarship, 9 months

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